What we will do for you:
- We are committed to providing you with the best possible service.
- You will be treated as an equal in the care and attention you receive.
- You will be treated as an individual and will be shown courtesy and respect at all times, irrespective of your ethnic origin, religious belief, personal attributes or the nature of your health problems.
- You will be entitled to privacy and confidentiality when speaking to any member of staff.
- You will be given an appointment the same day if you need to see a doctor urgently.
- You will be referred to a consultant, acceptable to you, when your GP thinks it is necessary and referred for a second opinion.
- We will maintain our practice accommodation to the standard legislation on health and safety.
- We will provide appropriate facilities for disabled patients, including access to and within the building.
What you can do for us:
- Please treat staff at all times with courtesy and respect. Any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients will be taken seriously. Any patient who is violent or abusive will be warned to stop their behaviour. If they persist, we will take action to have them removed from our patient list.
- Please telephone before 10.00 a.m. if you need a home visit.
- Please take the medication prescribed for you. If you do not wish/intend to take this medication, please let the doctor know.
- Please do everything you can to keep appointments, or tell us as soon as possible if you cannot. Remember, your cancelled appointment can be given to someone else.
- Be ready to tell us of your past illnesses, medication, hospital admissions and any other relevant details.
- Ask if you are unclear about your treatment.
- Please accept our advice on vaccination, immunisation and health screening programmes.
- Manage your own health and wellbeing by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, for example, by taking regular exercise and having a varied, healthy diet.
Please help us to help you.