Appointments are available from 08:00 to 18:30 by contacting the practice on 029 2062 9601 / 029 2035 7601. We offer a range of appointments types for different health needs.
Routine Appointments
These appointments are available by a range of means, including by presenting to the practice and discussing with a receptionist, by contacting the practice by phone or by booking online ... [continue] Routine Appointments
72-hour Appointments
The receptionist may offer you an appointment within 72-hours, if your health need does not require a same day appointment but equally it would be best to see a clinician ... [continue] 72-hour Appointments
Same day Appointments
These appointments are available each day, for problems that cannot wait for the next available routine appointment. All appointments within the practice can be interchanged between telephone and face-to-face depending on ... [continue] Same day Appointments
Home Visits
All patients are generally seen at the practice, however we understand that this may not always be the case and a few of our patients may require a home visit ... [continue] Home Visits
Online appointments
We are pleased to announce that you can now access health services from the practice on the NHS App. The NHS App will allow patients to book both routine face-to-face ... [continue] Online appointments
Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 12th June, 2024