Self Referrals and Lifestyle

Choose the service which best suits your needs. In the list below, there are self referral options available for some services.

NHS Choose Well

Visit Keeping me well for self help options on a variety of ailments

If you are having a medical emergency then dial ‘999’

Advice on children’s coughs, cold, earache and rashe

Eye problems – you can see your optician if you need urgent attention for your eye or visit https://www,

Dental problems – please contact your local General Dental Practitioner. If you do not have a NHS dentist please contact the dental helpline on 02920 444500 (24-hours a day).

For Emergency dental treatment please call 0300 10 20 247.

To join the Cardiff & Vale Dental Central Waiting list Please complete this form

You only need to submit this once, there is a wait so please be patient and a dental practice will contact you when they have an available appointment. THIS CONTACT WILL NOT PROVIDE EMERGENCY DENTAL CARE.

Sexual Health – we offer contraceptive pill, emergency contraception, contraceptive injections, coils and implants in the surgery.  You can alternatively access the sexual health clinics or for sexual health test or access a home testing kit which allows patients to request a home test kit for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B or C, chlamydia or gonorrhoea

Termination of pregnancy – Please complete a self-referral form online on the following website:- Abortion Care – Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Please be aware of the following: – To avoid delays in getting an appointment, it is important you fill all our demographics correctly on the form.  It can take up to 3 working days for them to get back to you, but they will get back to you with an appointment date.  An appointment will usually be sent by text, if they need to call it will be from a withheld number.  For any queries please contact 02920 742638

Mental Health – we have mental health practitioners available without the need for a GP appointment. Please ring reception to book an appointment.

Online stress control

Stress Control is an on line six session class that combines cognitive behavioural therapy, positive psychology and wellbeing to help you tackle the common mental health problems: anxiety, depression, panic, poor sleep, poor wellbeing, low self-confidence and low self-esteem. – click on the following link for further details

Online ACT-ion for living – now available on the Stepiau website.


A weekly midwife session is held at the practice on a Wednesday afternoon.  You can self-refer to the midwife by following the link below.

Click here to register your pregnancy with Cardiff and Vale UHB maternity

Substance misuse/Alcohol service

Smoking cessation alternatively, you can call 0800 085 2219

Healthy Eating – British Dietetic Association


Diabetes – if you would like a referral to a dietician for advice on improving your diabetic control. You can email the practice or speak with the Practice Nurse. Also see

Pocket Medic Videos Type 1

Pocket Medic Video Type 2

Moving medicine diabetes

Podiatry -if you are diabetic and have a red warm or swollen foot, break in the skin, foot ulcer, bleeding in your socks then you can  self refer to the Podiatry department 02920 335135.

Chronic Pain – for management of long-term pain see the pain toolkit You can also self refer to the Living well with pain course Email: or text  Interested and your name to 07870 979860. There is information about opioids and other painkillers available at


Domestic Violence – Whitchurch Medical Centre are proud to be an IRIS practice and we can support you if you are a victim of domestic violence or a perpetrator.

Female survivors can ring reception or self refer to BAWSO 02920 644633 or 0800 731 8141 (24-hours).

Male survivors can contact the Dyn Project on 02920 222022 or 0808 801 0327

LGBTQ survivors can contact the Broken Rainbow National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) domestic violence helpline on 0300 999 5428

Perpetrators of domestic violence can contact the Respect Advice Line for Perpetrators on 0808 802 4040

Addiction Recovery – Free support for all addictions is available with Ara Addiction recovery agency. They also offer help with gambling, drinking, homelessness, mental health drugs & alcohol.

Visit Welcome to Ara – Addiction Recovery Agency (Ara) – Recovery For All for further information.





Date published: 9th July, 2020
Date last updated: 29th March, 2023